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Parkway Soccer Club is committed to you and your players having the best experience possible. If you have any problems with any PSC staff or just have a question, fill out this form and let us know.

​Consider volunteering at PSC. All of our coaches are furnished with necessary supplies and best of all, the coaches pick the days they want to practice. We also need assistant coaches and team moms. Prior experience not required and we will help you with any questions you may have. Plus you get to have the joy of volunteering and spending time with your child. Please email or call 916-613-7170 and leave a voice message and we will be happy to help you get started! 

For your convenience, we have put the Parkway Code of Conduct, SYSL Code of Conduct, SYSL Playing Rules, SYSL Rules and Regulations and Return to Play below.

Join us on Facebook for News, Information and Updates!

​We are proud members of the Sacramento Youth Soccer League. Please check out their website for 
more soccer information!

Parkway Code of Conduct
SYSL Code of Conduct
SYSL Playing Rules
SYSL Rules and Regulations
Return to Play